One Dead, One Injured in Single-Car Apopka Crash
Reports are beginning to emerge regarding a fatal single-car crash that happened within the city of Apopka on Wednesday, March 6th. While it is not believed that more than one vehicle was involved, it does appear that at least one person was killed and another badly injured after the car they were in crashed and erupted into flames.
If you or someone you love has been injured in a vehicle accident, call at (386) 243-4994.
Verdicts & Settlements
- Rear End Car Accident:
$3.75 Million Recovery - Semi-Truck Accident:
$1.5 Million Recovery - Van Rollover:
$1.2 Million Wrongful Death Recovery - Rear End Bus Accident:
$775,000.00 Recovery - Truck Collides with Cow:
$500,000.00 Recovery