St. Cloud Crossing Guard Struck by Car
Every day that children walk to and from school, crossing guards stand at intersections to ensure that drivers are aware when pedestrians are present and to safely ferry the kids across the street. These crossing guards wear reflective gear and hold stop signs, making them fairly easy to see. All of this makes it surprising that an incident took place shortly after 8:00 in the morning on Thursday, October 8th, involving a car striking a crossing guard within the city of St. Cloud. Read the rest »
If you or someone you love has been injured in a vehicle accident, call at (386) 243-4994.
Verdicts & Settlements
- Rear End Car Accident:
$3.75 Million Recovery - Semi-Truck Accident:
$1.5 Million Recovery - Van Rollover:
$1.2 Million Wrongful Death Recovery - Rear End Bus Accident:
$775,000.00 Recovery - Truck Collides with Cow:
$500,000.00 Recovery