Two Killed after Car Overturns in Ocala National Forest
Wetherington and Livengood were traveling in Wetherington’s Chrysler 300 through the Ocala National Forest this past Friday when something occurred to cause the car they were in to crash. According to the report from the Florida Highway Patrol, the pair were traveling east along Northeast 14 Street Road when the incident occurred at close to 5:50 in the evening. Read the rest »
If you or someone you love has been injured in a vehicle accident, call at (386) 243-4994.
Verdicts & Settlements
- Rear End Car Accident:
$3.75 Million Recovery - Semi-Truck Accident:
$1.5 Million Recovery - Van Rollover:
$1.2 Million Wrongful Death Recovery - Rear End Bus Accident:
$775,000.00 Recovery - Truck Collides with Cow:
$500,000.00 Recovery