A collision involving two Disney buses taking tourists through the Epcot toll place on Tuesday, December 11th, resulted in over a dozen people being treated for injuries. Reports from the scene of the bus accident suggest both of the buses involved were traveling eastward down Epcot Center Drive, which itself lies within the boundaries of Walt Disney World.
The first bus reached the toll area and subsequently slowed down. This maneuver is standard procedure for all buses traveling through toll booths, and it should therefore have come as no surprise to the driver of the second bus. For reasons that are not clear, this second driver either failed to notice the slower vehicle in front of them or simply believed that the first bus would accelerate out of their way.
This did not happen.
Instead, the second bus struck the first with enough force to cause the windshield on the second bus to suffer a large crack that etched its way across the surface of the glass. Lt. Kim Montes, the spokesperson for the Orlando Police Department told reporters that the second bus was likely traveling at close to 20 mph when the crash took place. Had this driver been traveling at a higher rate of speed, it is likely that we would be reporting a much grimmer tale regarding the accident’s aftermath.
Aboard the first bus were 51 visitors to Walt Disney World. This crowd of tourists hoping to have a wonderful escape from the reality of the world at Disney’s fabled Epcot Center were rudely brought back to central Florida when they were hurled from their seats. It is believed that 15 of these people opted to be transported from the scene of the crash to hospitals nearby. Although none of the injuries suffered by these individuals was deemed serious, it is believed that they all received treatment of some sort.
Lt. Montes reminded reporters that the drivers of Disney buses must still abide by the rules the rest of us obey when traveling along the road. It is believed that the driver of the second bus was issued a citation for careless driving. It is not known if any of the injured individuals will press charges.
James O. Cunningham
Since 1977, personal injury lawyer James Cunningham has provided effective legal advocacy to people who are injured through the negligent actions of another person or entity throughout the Central Florida area. He fights to obtain recoveries for his clients’ physical and emotional pain and suffering and pursues his clients’ personal injury cases with a commitment to excellence and impeccable preparation.
If you or someone you love has been injured in a vehicle accident, call at (386) 243-4994.
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- Rear End Car Accident:
$3.75 Million Recovery - Semi-Truck Accident:
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$1.2 Million Wrongful Death Recovery - Rear End Bus Accident:
$775,000.00 Recovery - Truck Collides with Cow:
$500,000.00 Recovery