Alcohol Suspected as Contributing Factor in Orlando Auto Accident
Accident investigators with the Florida Highway Patrol suspect that alcohol was a contributing factor in a recent early morning Orlando auto accident that claimed the life of a local man. Investigators say that the victim was a 27-year-old Orlando man who crashed and overturned his vehicle on North Powers Drive near Balboa Drive. Accident reconstruction specialists say the man was driving on the wrong side of the road and nearly hit a church van when his car jumped the curb and struck a telephone pole, which fell on top of the car. The victim’s car came to rest on its top in the middle of North Powers Drive, and the victim was pronounced dead from his injuries at the scene. The driver of the church van had to veer sharply to avoid being struck head-on by the oncoming car.
If you or someone you love has been injured in a vehicle accident, call at (386) 243-4994.
Verdicts & Settlements
- Rear End Car Accident:
$3.75 Million Recovery - Semi-Truck Accident:
$1.5 Million Recovery - Van Rollover:
$1.2 Million Wrongful Death Recovery - Rear End Bus Accident:
$775,000.00 Recovery - Truck Collides with Cow:
$500,000.00 Recovery