On Thursday evening in Orlando, Jose Matos Vargas, a 73-year-old man, was pushing his mother across the street at the intersection of Goldenrod Road and Charlin Parkway when he was struck by an oncoming car. The Orlando Police Department is currently investigating the situation, but according to their initial report the accident, which happened around 5:30 in the evening, took place at the intersection (situated between Pershing Avenue and Hoffner Avenue) when Vargas was behind his mother’s wheelchair, navigating her through the crosswalk.
It seems that while Vargas was in the crosswalk that a 2016 GMC sport utility vehicle came down the road. The Orlando Police Department have spoken to numerous witnesses who have given them reason to believe that the individual behind the wheel of the GMC—an unnamed 58-year-old man—had both a green light and the right of way. The witnesses say that the driver of the GMC made attempts to swerve around Vargas, but in the end the car collided with the pedestrian. Emergency response teams arrived as quickly as possible, but were ultimately unable to do anything for the badly injured Vargas. He was transported to the Orlando Regional Medical Center, and there he was pronounced dead.
What remains uncertain is why Vargas happened to be in the middle of the intersection at this time. Did he begin crossing when he had the right-of-way, or did he attempt to cross the road even though the right-of-way belonged to the cars? The Florida State Troopers and the Orlando Police Department are attempting to answer these questions as fast as possible.
As is often the case in pedestrian accidents, the driver of the 2016 GMC was not at all injured in the accident. Even more remarkable is that Vargas’ mother remained unharmed throughout the ordeal. The accident is still under investigation, however no charges have as of yet been brought forward against the driver of the GMC.
James O. Cunningham
Since 1977, personal injury lawyer James Cunningham has provided effective legal advocacy to people who are injured through the negligent actions of another person or entity throughout the Central Florida area. He fights to obtain recoveries for his clients’ physical and emotional pain and suffering and pursues his clients’ personal injury cases with a commitment to excellence and impeccable preparation.
If you or someone you love has been injured in a vehicle accident, call at (386) 243-4994.
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