Tired of the number of drunk drivers on Florida’s streets and highways, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and many Florida personal injury attorneys are rallying support for a proposed piece of legislation which would target drunk drivers. The legislation would require that ignition interlock devices be installed in the vehicles of all first-time convicted drunk drivers. This is very encouraging and certainly a step in the right direction. However, drunk driving statistics indicate that on average, a drunk driver while drink and drive 87 times before they are arrested for DUI.
Ignition interlock devices require that the driver blow into them before the car will start to determine their blood-alcohol content. If the BAC is above a certain level, the car will not start. These devices have been proven to reduce drunk driving, drunk driving accidents and drunk driving injuries and deaths. If lawmakers pass the bill, Florida would be the 13th state in the country to have ignition interlock laws in place.
The bill, SB 924, introduced by Senator Stephen R. Wise, (R-Jacksonville) requires that this device would be used for a specific period of time after the first time a driver is convicted for operating their vehicle under the influence of alcohol. The law would require a court to order a convicted drunk driver not to operate a motor vehicle of any kind unless that vehicle has a functioning ignition interlock device installed.
Even after tougher laws have been passed with increased criminal penalties and huge media campaigns about the dangers and possible consequences of drunk driving, people still drink and get behind the wheel. In 2008, 875 people lost their lives in auto accidents caused by drunk drivers on Florida streets and highways. If that isn’t sobering enough, there 108,853 Floridians with three or more DUI convictions and of that number, 13,540 have five or more convictions for driving under the influence.
Florida residents are urged to contact their lawmakers and insist passage of SB 924 to make Florida’s roads safer for everyone. People who choose to drink and get behind the wheel are guilty of the most negligent behavior. They know that what they are doing is illegal, dangerous and puts other people at significant and unnecessary risk, yet they drink and drive anyway.
If you or someone you care for has been hurt or killed by a drunk driver, Orlando drunk driving accident attorney James O. Cunningham may be able to help. He has been representing drunk driving accident victims and their families since 1977. He will use his considerable experience to make the best possible recovery on your behalf. Orlando drunk driving accident lawyer James O. Cunningham is a passionate defender of victims’ rights and offers free consultations. To schedule your free consultation with Central Florida drunk driving accident attorney James O. Cunningham, call one of his law offices throughout Central Florida today.
James O. Cunningham
Since 1977, personal injury lawyer James Cunningham has provided effective legal advocacy to people who are injured through the negligent actions of another person or entity throughout the Central Florida area. He fights to obtain recoveries for his clients’ physical and emotional pain and suffering and pursues his clients’ personal injury cases with a commitment to excellence and impeccable preparation.
If you or someone you love has been injured in a vehicle accident, call at (386) 243-4994.
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